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News of SD News from Weifang on Dec. 18 (Reporter Zhang Meng) On the afternoon of Dec. 17, the Foundation Meeting of Weifang Association of Cultural Industry and the 1st General Meeting was held in the software park of Weifang City, on which, directors, president, vice presidents and secretary general were elected on site by a show of hands.

It is learned that the Association is a municipal non-profiting and industrial social organization founded by enterprises engaged in cultural industry of Weifang according to their will. It aims to integrate the cultural and creative resources in the whole city, assemble cultural and creative talents, establish an exchange platform for cultural and creative industry, enhance the contact and cooperation between cultural enterprises, promote and leverage the capacity in financing and innovation to join efforts, enhance the competitiveness of cultural industry in Weifang, bridge government and enterprises, and push forward the healthy development of cultural industry in the whole city.

After foundation, Weifang Association of Cultural Industry will regulate the behaviors of organizations in cultural industry, improve their automaticity, enhance the communication and cooperation among members, and coordinate their relations, and safeguard the overall interests of developing cultural industry. Meanwhile, it will carry out activities including research, discussion and investigation of cultural industry, actively participate in activities such as industry planning, and formulation of industrial service standards, and organize activities varying from exhibitions, display to sales exhibition related to cultural industry. Also the Association will exchange and cooperate with domestic and foreign companies in the industry or across the industry to push forward the export of cultural products and services, to introduce foreign funds and technology, and to reinforce the internationalization of cultural industry in the whole city.