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On the morning of Aug. 10, the Information Office of Weifang Municipal Government held the press conference for the World Youth Chess Championship 2019, which symbolizes that the even representing the highest level of youth class worldwide will be firstly held in China, and in Weifang. The new chess queen Ju Wenjun and the international chess master Bo Xiangzhi attended the conference as the ambassador of the championship.

The World Youth Chess Championship 2019 was planned to be held from the latter July to early August 2019 in Anqiu Qilu Liquor Cultural and Creative Industrial Park in Weifang City. It is understood that the event is a yearly official international championship sponsored by the Fédération Internationale des Échecs. Each year, it will receive applications from almost 2,000 chess players from over 100 countries and regions worldwide. It is currently an international youth chess competition at the highest grade and highest competition level with the most participants. Relying on the reputation of our country in holding various competitions, and the advantageous infrastructure, elegant environment, and sincere attitude, Weifang finally won the qualification for the World Youth Chess Championship 2019. This is the first time for China to hold this event, and will be a milestone in the history of Chinese international chess, playing an active promoting role in the popularization of international chess in Chinese youth.