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In summer, seashore is a view of shells and surfing, do you wonder to witness a different scenes?
A large area of saltern in Binhai, Changyi and shouguang, is usually composed by evaporation pool, crystallization pool and adjustment pool, under the influence of the sun, wind and temperature to form colorful and unique saltern scenery due to the baume degree, just like a piece of the palette that flat out on the earth.



Salina in Bohao shore owns thousands years history

5,000 years ago, a primitive tribe, Susha’s, inhabited around here, a tribe member, Xunzi, found out salt firstly in a fish cooking. 

At the beginning of Xia dynasty, it’s about 4,000 years ago, Weifag’s sea salt was a contribution to the royal.

Weifang was named Beihai (means northern sea) in ancient time, implies its destiny bond with the sea. Although suffering thousands years changing,  a saltern relic here depicts its old legend.   



Changyi Saltern lies in laizhou Bay, a advantaged sea salt producing area. Two large scales of ancient saltern relics which were unearthed here had been confirmed that over 200 sites were saltern in Zhou dynasty.


Salt, a natural gift from the sea, is a material bond with our daily life tightly. Come to Binhai and Changyi to witness the wonderful scenery cooperated made by people and nature.