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Folk Customs- noodles for summer Solstice

The current urban area of Weifang is the old Weixian Town. People in Weixian,has a folk customs that is eat cold noodles with sesame sauce during the summer solstice. It is difficult to research the specific ages of the customs, but the production of sesame oil and sesame sauce in weifang, like Cui’s, has about six hundred years history. In Qing  Dynasty, Zheng Banqiao, wrote poems to praise its historic heritage. Up to now, sesame oil, sesame juice produced by Cui’s is also playing a key role to Weifang food industry.

Ingredients:Chinese prickly ash water, sesame sauce, dried small shrimp, cucumber, salted Chinese toon sprout, salted carrot, garlic, cilantro

Cook procedure: 

① Prepare the ingredients

② The sesame sauce is the soul of Weixian cold noodles. The sauce must be made by pure sesame with the proper fire heat, adulterated the peanuts is forbidden. Then, Fresh cucumber cut into silk, salted Chinese toon sprout is cut and put into sesame oil, carrots and garlic also crushed and sink in with sesame oil. 

③ Wash dried small shrimp with water and soak them in warm water

④ The two keys of cold noodles, one is sesame sauce, another is the Chinese prickly water. A handful of the prickly ash first cleaned with cold water , then soaked in a moderate amount of boiling water, cover the lid for 20 minutes to half an hour. the two stir during the process to ensure the fragrance come out as soon as possible. At the end, water is poured out and got rid of prickly ash seed, added salt, vinegar, and sesame oil. Additionally, chilling Chinese prickly ash water in the refrigerator for a while is better.


⑤Noodles cannot be slim and round, must be appropriate size and shape. 

⑥After the noodles are cooked through, they should be soaked in cold water until the noodles are cooled. Put one or two tablespoons dried shrimp water to increase the flavor after putting all ingredients. Pour in the iced water of Chinese prickly ash in the end, stir it evenly, and then it’s time to enjoy your gluttonous meal.