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"If I had a word for the city, I would say mild."

"Weifang people are honestly."

 "Weifang owns rich culture heritage, there are kites, New Year pictures, Guqin and guitar."

"Weifang is my home, born and raised here, we love her."

Every hardworking and brave Weifang people, there is a "wire" in the hand. It is imprinted on the foot of thousands of years of Zhucheng dinosaurs, it inherits the world's ancient county name state and ancient Dongyi culture, it continues the agricultural legend of Jia Sixie's "Qi People's Skills", it relayed the torch of Wang Quanmei and Zhuang Longjia's revolutionary armed forces... It is the string on the thousand-year-old Guqin, the line on the Yangjiabu New Year woodblock pictures, the Liutuan silk filaments continuously, and the fine and dense high-density paper-cutting. It is the neat ridges in the greenhouses, the gorgeous salt pans under the scorching sun. Weifang people use this "thread" to weave the proud glory of strong industry, the full vitality of modern agriculture, the courage of hundreds of backwardness and the desire of 9.4 million Weifang people for a better life. Every busy Weifang people, there is a "line" in the heart. One end of the line is flying full of hope, and the other end is dragging the heavy care. Wherever you go, this "thread" pulls you, reminding you to go home early when you are done. Young you, once back packing set out, walking in a hurry, the ear often think of the old kite artist's words, good kite eat wind is very, three points, leave seven points, do not make public, do not impulse, and do not lose strength. The spirit of Weifang is like a "line", you should grasp it well, you can fly in the wind, but can not swing around.