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Congrats! On June 8th,Weifang was awarded the title of "National Copyright Demonstration City".

On June 8, 2023 Culture Empower Development Summit Forum - Building a New Internet Copyright Ecology Sub-Forum was held in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. During the forum, Weifang was awarded the title of "National Copyright Demonstration City".

In recent years, the city has deeply promoted the creation of national copyright demonstration cities with the "four all" model of "city-wide participation, full-service, full-chain protection, and industry promotion", successively built six provincial copyright workstations, built more than 300 copyright service sites throughout urban and rural areas, and increasingly enhanced copyright innovation, registering 124,519 Copyrights in 2022; The copyright litigation mechanism has been established to promote the co-governance of copyright society, effectively maintain the good order of the copyright market, and won the protection award of "China Copyright Gold Award" in 2020: to promote the strong foundation of copyright, strong enterprises, and strong agriculture, the added value of copyright industry accounts for 8.21% of GDP, and achieve high-quality development of copyright-empowered cities.