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On the evening of September 7, the intangible cultural heritage theme scene party "Home" was held in the central hall of the Workers' Cultural Palace in Weifang. The party will focus on the achievements of the Qilu Culture (Weifang) ecological reserve, show the Qilu culture with the regional characteristics of Weifang, and promote the excellent intangible cultural heritage projects.

At 7:30 p.m., the show kicked off with a dancing show called "The Favorite place."The party is divided into two chapters: "Passing on the torch" and "Spreading the beauty". The first chapter, "Passing on the Legacy", shows Weifang practices of passing on the legacy of rich culture and intangible cultural heritage through the artistic scenes; the next chapter,“Spreading the beauty", presents the creative model for preserving traditional skills in daily life, and the accumulated protection achievements  intangible cultural heritage through contemporary life scenes.

In the 1st chapter, the dance "Wei River Ode" seems to lead the audience to open a history book, so that the story of Weifang comes. In the Guqin scene poem "Chao Ran Platform" program, dancers dressed in traditional costumes performed on the stage the transcendent feeling of homesickness of the ancients under the stage, bringing the citizens into a strong classical atmosphere.

Song and dance group "Folk treasure", "Read the moon", "pinch mud", "Woodcut New Year pictures", "Kite and paper-cut love" staged in turn, both rich Weifang regional characteristics, but also the intangible cultural heritage elements presented vividly. Sound poetry and painting "Watch" actors full of emotion recitation, drew the audience applause. thunder...

"A city with a kite, blowing a warm wind......" In the next chapter, the song "thread" every sentence into the heart, let the audience feel the best side of Weifang. The fashion show "Walking New Year Pictures", accompanied by dynamic music, combines traditional folk handicrafts with fashion creativity, giving New Year pictures new vitality, attracting applause and cheers from the audience.

The dance "The shuttlecock " presents Qingzhou shuttlecock on the stage in the form of dance, which artistically reproduces people's love of this traditional art and the living scene passed on from generation to generation.

In the traditional opera series "Ancient Rhyme New Sound", Zhou Gu's drama "Yellow River", Qingyin opera "Singing Cloud Gate", Maoqiang "Red Sorghum", Beijing Opera "Weifang Ode", concentrate on displaying Shandong Province's local opera varieties, distinct of regional characteristics. The performance came to an end in the program "Open the Future". Many audience members commented that the whole show presented with beautiful audio-visual effects and enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the people.