Guqin Profile

Guqin (Ancient Chinese zither), also known as Yaoqin (peptachord), Yuqin (jade lyre), and Seven-Stringed Chinese zither (heptachord), is the oldest traditional plucked stringed instrument in China. It is a gem in Chinese culture and a masterpiece of human word-of-mouth and intangible heritage. Legend has it that Yellow Emperor, the Emperor of the primitive times, created the original Guqin, which was widely circulated during the Western Zhou Dynasty (11th century-771 B.C.) and was played with instruments such as sages and drums during sacrificial ceremonies. The Guqin objects unearthed from the tomb of Marquis Zeng Yi in Hubei are more than 2,400 years old. Since the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.)and Song Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.), for every generation, there have been exquisite pieces of ancient Guqin emerging and being handed down. During the Sui Dynasty (581-618 A.D.) and Tang Dynasty, Guqin was also introduced to East Asian countries, being absorbed to the traditional culture of these countries and passed down. In modern times, with the footprints of Chinese people all over the world, it has become a symbol of eastern culture in the eyes of the westerners.

The plucked string instrument culture itself is a very individualized art. The styles of the instrument masters in different regions and by different artistic schools are diversified from each other. The styles of the instrument masters in the same region and by the same artistic school are diversified from each other as well. Since the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.) and early Qing Dynasty (1636-1912 A.D.), and till modern times, there have emerged a series of famous Guqin schools such as "Yushan", "Guangling", "Pucheng", "Fanchuan", "Jiuyi", "Zhucheng", "Mei'an", "Lingnan" and others. Zhucheng Guqin, called "Zhucheng School of Guqin, Shandong", also known as "Langya School of Guqin", was generated from the "Yushan School". Formed in the middle of the 19th century, after the exploration, exchange, absorption and development by generations of Guqin masters, it has formed a special school of Guqin with the characteristics, style, techniques, musical scores of Zhucheng genre.

The artistic style of Zhucheng Guqin can comprehensively be generalized as being meticulous, subtle, simple and smooth. It is featured by implicitly, generality, paying attention to internal value rather than external gorgeous appearance, variation in the pace, and combination of the soft and hard temperament. The rhythm fixed, and the standard unified, it can be played by a number of Guqin, with divided rhythms and numbered music notations. The strings plucked by the right hand send out elastic, vigorous, forceful, clear-cut and strong message.

Zhucheng Guqin has "Changmenyuan" (Long Gate Grief), "Qiufengci" (Autumn Wind Peom) and "Guan Shanyue" (Moon over Guanshan Mountain) as fixed tunes. The musical scores include "Official Melody for the Musical Scores", "Tongyinshan Hillview Guild Musical Scores", "Jade Crane Pavilion Musical Scores", "Winter Sweet Nunnery Musical Scores" and so on. The famous representatives include Wang Puchang (styled himself as Ji Fu), Wang Yumen (styled himself as Cold Spring), Wang Zuozhen (styled himself ad Heart Origin), Wang Lu (styled himself as Sunflower in the Heart), and Wang Binlu (styled himself as Yan Qing), the five of whom are known as " the Five Masters in the History of Guqin in Zhucheng."

Guqin Inheritor

Ma Rongshengthe inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage

In two to three years, I would be making this Guqin. This time duration is very lonely, because the wood can't talk. You are constantly improving it, constantly adjusting it, and constantly fabricating it. This process of being alone by yourself is very lonely. There are also many people who come to consult the things related to making Guqin, but many people, on average, after knowing the process of fabrication, could not imagine that they might manage it, because it takes such a long time to finish one. But when it comes to the inheritance of Guqin, we are still very delighted to see that friends around us are more and more aware of Guqin. More and more friends become interested in Guqin and want to learn Guqin.

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